Grant Application Timeline

It is important to calendar the following dates to ensure you submit your Stage 1 and Stage 2 applications prior to the Foundation’s deadlines. All applicants must submit both a Stage 1 and Stage 2 application annually to be considered for funding.

Applications submitted past the deadlines are not accepted.

January 1st

  • Online application process opens for new and continuing applications.

March 1st

  • Stage 1 application deadline for all new and continuing applications.

June 30th

  • Trustee review of Stage 1 applications.
  • Invitation to submit Stage 2 application sent to selected Grantees.

August 1st

  • Stage 2 application deadline for all new and continuing applications.

September / October

  • Trustee site visits conducted.

November 30th

  • Trustee review of Stage 2 applications.
  • Notification of Grant awards.

December 31st

  • Grant funds disbursed to Grantees prior to year-end.

Foundation Process for Decision Making

The Foundation will review Stage 1 Applications at their meeting in June and applicants will be notified by July of the Board’s decision to invite a Stage 2 Application.

If your application meets the Foundation's guidelines and funding priorities, a site visit, in person or by conference, will be scheduled.

The Foundation will review Stage 2 Applications at their meeting in November and applicants will be notified in mid-November of the Board's decision. Funding will be available in December for the next year.

Deadlines - March 1st and August 1st

Stage 1 Applications will be accepted January 1 through March 1. The Foundation board will consider Stage 1 Applications in June and will invite a Stage 2 Application to be submitted by August 1 to be considered by the Board in November.

In fairness to all applicants, the Foundation will strictly adhere to its deadlines. Please note that the Stage 1 Application is closed after March 1 and will reopen again on January 1 for the subsequent year funding round.

Getting Started

The Foundation requires that all Stage 1 and Stage 2 Applications be completed via our online application system. The link to the online Stage 1 Application for each initiative is provided below. If the Foundation invites a Stage 2 Application from your organization, a link to the Stage 2 Application will be provided at that time. Foundation staff are available to assist you with any questions regarding your application. Contact the office at

Please carefully assess your programs fit with the Foundation's Guidelines prior to starting your application. Applications are limited to one per organization per year.

If your organization has previously submitted an online application in any grant round, you will need to use the same user name and password as previously used. This account is used to access, submit, and track your application and any part or future submissions over multiple sessions, and is used to submit requirements and reports for grants approved.

All first time users of the on-line application system must create a login with a user name and password. This is the user name and password for your organization. All users from your organization must use the same log in.

Returning to an Application

Your application does not need to be completed in one session and can be returned to and edited until you submit the application. You can access your new application using the link provided in the email you receive upon opening a new application.

Saving the link as a “Favorite” provides quick access.

Financial Documents

A Program Budget is a required document and must be submitted with the Stage 1 Application. The required template is available by clicking on the link below.


If your organization moves forward to the Stage 2 Application, a Stage 2 Financial Due Diligence form is required at submission. This form is aimed to provide more meaningful assessment of financial risk, base our financial due diligence review on more recent data, and look beyond a single year to assess organizational risk factors. The form is required for submission for Year 1, Year 2, and Year 3 applicants.

WFF Stage 2 Financial Disclosures

Application Process

The Foundation has a two-stage application process. The Stage 1 Application requests information about the organization and the program funding is being requested for. The Stage 2 Application asks follow-up questions to the Stage 1 Application. You will be able to view the Stage 1 Application, but not make edits at the Stage 2 phase of the application process. A Stage 1 Application must be submitted to advance to Stage 2 and be considered for funding. Submission of a Stage 2 Application is by invitation only.

We recommend web browsers Internet Explorer or Safari for Mac users.  Google Chrome and Firefox are NOT recommended.  Applicants often experience issues when using these browsers as they are not supported by our grant management software.

Please read all of the instructions provided in the link below before you start your online application.  We recommend that you start work on your online application well before the deadline in case you experience technical difficulties with the IT system that may prevent you from submitting your application form on time.

Youth Initiative Application

International Initiative Application

Sustainable Forests and Communities Initiative Application

Continuing Applications for all Initiatives